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Visa fullständig version : Stories and information of Johan Persson

Jim Peterson
2013-01-30, 17:44
My name is Jim Peterson and My Great grandfather is Johan Persson born 08-09-1858 Grangarde.
His father is Petter Jansson born 2-13-1831 wife Sara Danielsdotter born 1835
I am looking for information on his Life in Sweden prior to his emigration to America 1879
Once Coming to America his name changed to John Peterson and he lived the rest of his days
in Falun Wisconsin..also If someone could link me to a family tree of his family that would be
great..and also to note if anyone would like Records of the Johan Persson family from wisconsin
I would be glad to share what I have..
my email is usforhim@charter.net

Jim Peterson
2013-02-05, 18:19
Johan Persson born 9 Aug 1858. Their parents Petter Jansson and Sara Danielsdotter got married 25 June 1858 and had six
children (Johan is the oldest) of which 2 died very young. In April 1878
the father dies and in April the year after Johan emigrates to North
America (together with 220 others from the same parish - Grangärde). His
mother Sara also emigrates 9 years later in 1888 together with her youngest daughter Sofia Wilhelmina, born 3 October 1873.

2013-02-05, 21:05
Made a quick check, but didn't find anything about him and his family, just found some data on his ancestors - but I don't know what you have.

In the 1850's he lives with his family at Dahlkarlsberget, as does Sara's father Daniel Ersson, born 11 Oct 1805 in Botåker. Daniel's Wife was Stina Jansdotter, born 1815, died 11 May 1849.

Petter Jansson's parents, Jan Ersson b1800 in Grangärde, Anna Stina Ersdotter b 1804 in Grangärde.

I don't know about the accuracy of the data, but there's info a couple of centuries more of ancestors. But nothing I just can give you a link to.

I could of course email the person who entered that data and ask if he wants contact with you. I believe he's a descendant to Sara Danieldotter's brother, Daniel Danielsson.

Jim Peterson
2013-02-06, 18:00
That would be great if you would put me in contact with them

2013-02-06, 21:24
I have emailed him, we'll se...

Jim Peterson
2014-04-02, 18:05
Looking for information about family's in Dalmen Mount, Grangarde ...
Grandfather Per Jansson b 1831
Grandmother Sara Daniel Daughter b.1835
alongwith neighbors ..
Per Gustaf Hjort b.1848
Johan Petter Thor b.1833
All These families emigrated to America from 1853 to 1888
I am trying to find out if They all farmed together ... and what the
connection was to These families ..
Also if anyone has old photo's of That Time I would like to
get a copy