Visa fullständig version : Sjöman Peter Lundström and Anna Cajsa Persdotter
2017-10-07, 18:11
I have been trying to find the birth records of Sjöman Peter Lundström and his wife, Anna Cajsa Persdotter. They lived in Norra Bäckebo, Kalmar Län, according to the following books:
Ålem AI:10 (1823-1828) Image 257 / page 495
Ålem AI:11 (1829-1835) Image 41 / page 33
Ålem AI:12 (1836-1847) Image 47 / page 37
Ålem AI:13 (1847-1856) Image 52 / page 36
The book gives Peter's birth as 1796 in what appears to be Högsby, unless I'm reading it wrong. I searched the Högsby records and could not find a Peter Lundström born in 1796. It also gives Anna Cajsa's birth as 1793 in Kalmar. I searched various parishes in Kalmar but wasn't sure exactly where to look and could not find an Anna Cajsa Persdotter born in 1793. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in tracking down the parentage of these ancestors of mine.
Also, I would love to know if there is anything of particular interest in the following estate inventory of my ancestor Johan Birgersson Blomberg:
Gotlands norra häradsrätt (-1899) F2B:145 (1889-1890) Image 1060 / page 38
Thank you very much for any assistance! I have already gotten a great deal of help on this forum and it has been wonderful exploring my Swedish lineage.
Jim Carleton
Well, "anything of particular interest" could be almost anything. The intro mentions his widow, and two sons from an earlier marriage.
Gotlands norra häradsrätt (-1899) (I) F2B:145 (1889-1890) Bild 1060 / sid 38 (AID: v148309.b1060.s38, NAD: SE/ViLA/20056)
2017-10-07, 22:19
Sorry, yeah, that was pretty vague. Just wondering if anything in the estate stood out as interesting, or if there was any information about the family, or if it's just a tedious accounting of household implements. No need for a full translation or anything. I'm honestly more interested in the origins of the Lundströms.
2024-01-05, 07:52
In case anyone is interested in these people, I did eventually find the backgrounds of Peter Lundström and Anna Cajsa Persdotter. I had a longer post written with citations, but I accidentally deleted it. Suffice to say, Peter is not the son of Daniel Lundström of Norra Bäckebo. Rather, Sjöman Peter Jonsson Lundström was the son of Jonas Olsson Kruslock (born in Högsby) and Kirstin Göransdotter. Peter was born in Sandhorvan on 20 Nov 1796, and married Anna Cajsa (Christina?) Persdotter in Ǻlem on 30 Mar 1818. In addition to Sandhorvan, Peter's family had also lived in Haraldsmåla and Hundsmåla. His wife Anna was the daughter of Per Månsson and Kirstin Göransdotter of Norra Bäckebo. Peter and Anna lived in the household of her parents after their marriage. His sister Ingrid Catharina Jonsdotter lived with them as a maid until she was married. I have not yet found the birth record for Anna Cajsa Persdotter, but her father Per Månsson was apparently born in Madesjö.
2024-01-15, 18:19
I looked in Ålem AI:10 page 495 and I don't see anything that says he is born in Högsby, so I searched in Arkiv Digital database BiS 1088 - 1947 and found a Peter born 1796 as the son of the sailor Daniel Lundström. This Peter was born April 10 1796 and baptised at April 17. You find it here Ålem (H) C:3 (1788-1816) sid 119.
Anna Cajsa is according to Ålen ci:10 page 495 born 1793, I tried to look for a Anna Cajsa born 1793 and found a Anna Christina born mars 11 1793 and baptised mars 17 in Ålem, her fathers name was Per Andersson. It was quite common that girls baptised Christina was called Cajsa. So could it be her? If so you find her here: Ålem (H) C:3 (1788-1816) sid 77
2024-01-16, 05:22
Hello Hans-Peter!
Thank you for your reply. I remember you were helping me some 7-8 years ago when I was looking for my great-great-grandfather Charles Blomberg. Now I have been searching for his great and great-great grandparents!
I initially was quite sure that this Peter Lundström that you reference, the son of Daniel Lundström, was the Peter I was looking for. It seemed almost a certainty! How many Peter Lundströms could there have been, born in 1796 and living in Ålem? So I spent some time researching the family of Daniel Lundström. But in my research, I eventually found two things: 1) despite Daniel Lundström being a sjöman, I never found a reference to his son Peter as a sjöman. 2) I found that this Peter Lundström died in 1835.
According to this reference (Ålem AI:12 (1836-1847) Image 47 / page 37), "my" Peter Lundström was born in Högsby, was a sjöman, and died at the end of 1846. So I had to start over in my search. Fortunately, I happened upon this reference (Ålem AI:9 (1813-1823) Image: 31 Page: 47), showing a Sjöman Per Jonsson Lundström in Haraldsmåla, born in 1796, recently married, born in Fliseryd, son of Jon Olsson Kruslock (of Högsby) and Kirstin Göransdotter, with a sister Ingrid Cathrina born in 1803. From here I found another reference from the same book (Ålem AI:9 (1813-1823) Image: 269 Page: 523). This shows Sjöman Peter Lundström, born 1796, married to Anna Cajsa (born 1793) and living with her family (parents Per Månsson from Madesjö and Kirstin Göransdotter -- yes, their mothers had the same name!) And note the maid, Ingrid Catharina Jonsdotter, born in 1803- this surely is Peter's younger sister.
So I'm sure I've found the correct Peter Lundström and Anna Cajsa Persdotter (and this has been verified through DNA connections). I also found Peter's birth record (he was born in Sandhorvan, which I think was at times part of Högsby and at times part of Fliseryd) and their marriage record (which indicates that Peter was from Haraldsmåla):
Fliseryd C:3 (1786-1830) Image: 61 Page:113
Ålem C:6 (1817-1831) Image 169 / Page 325
At this point, I have traced Anna Cajsa Persdotter's family back 2-3 generations, and Peter Lundström's family back 2 generations on his mother's side- but I am stuck on his father, Båtsman Jonas/Jon Olsson/Olofsson Kruslock, born between 1755 and 1768 in Högsby. I think because the household records in Högsby don't go back that far, I might be out of luck. The earliest record I have found for him is his marriage record in Ålem in 1785- Ålem C:2 (1752-1787) Image 315 / Page 623. It indicates (I believe) that he was from Högsby parish and town, and that he was a bachelor, and that his wife was from Gäddenäs. I've got her family sorted out, but I'm stuck on him and who his parents might have been.
I did find that their son Göran (surname Boij) went to Högsrum and must have died around 1817, because his only daughter Stina Caisa was taken in by his parents as a foster daughter around that time. And his sister Ingrid Catharina has descendants today that I have a DNA match with.
I found that Jonas Kruslock and Kirstin Göransdotter's first three children (Maja/Maria, Stina Caisa, and Lena) were born in Ruda, Högsby, and the family lived there from about 1786 to 1790. Then, from 1791 to about 1800, they lived in Sandhorvan where Peter and his two brothers Olof and Göran were born. Then from 1800 to 1803, they lived in Lilla Sjöbo, before finally moving to Hundsmåla and Haraldsmåla in Ålem around 1804. Jonas Olsson Kruslock died on 17 May 1820 in Haraldsmåla (reportedly at age 65 but this age disagrees with his age from the various household examination records), and his wife Kirstin died on 6 Dec 1839.
Any help in tracking down more information about this ancestor would be greatly appreciated! But I understand that it's possible that the records simply don't exist. For what it's worth, in the following record: (Ålem AI:1 (1755-1761) Image: 21 Page: 31) I did find an Olof Kruslock (born around 1733) and a possible brother Pär Kruslock (born around 1736) who took over his vacant home. No idea if there is a connection there to Jonas Olsson Kruslock, but it's a possible lead (or maybe a red herring!)
Thanks and best regards,
2024-01-16, 11:39
Hi Jim!
I must admit I have forgotten that you and I had a conversation 8 years ago, but I am glad I could help then.
Fine you have found the right persons som you can continue with your research.
Best Regards
Hans Peter Stülten.
2024-01-16, 14:56
Thank you! Also, I misspoke- I have found DNA matches on Anna Cajsa Persdotter’s side, but not on Peter Lundström’s side as of yet. Still, I think the records support my findings on his parents. Now I just hope to find earlier information on Jonas Olsson Kruslock! I think the Kruslock name was added later in life, and may not have been inherited. But I suppose you never know.
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