Visa fullständig version : Stenberg migrated to Australia
I am trying to find out anything I can about my great-grandmother. The only information I have is from her marriage register here in South Australia. Hulda Emilia Stenberg was born in Smaaland on the 10th July 1879 and came to Australia in about 1897 to act as housekeeper for her uncle, Carl Johansson. Her marriage register gives her father's name as Peter Stenberg. With so little to go on, I have met dead-ends in all my searches. Can anyone give me any suggestions as to what to try?
Eva Dahlberg
2011-05-15, 18:33
Hi Tanya, from the cd Emibas (a cd that lists emigrants through transcribing church records in most Swedish counties) lists this woman
Stenberg, Hulda Emilia
Piga (unmarried woman)
b. 7/10/1879 in Tveta, Kalmar län (Småland)
Emigrated 4/24/1899
from Burge, Levide, Gotlands län (Gotland)
to Adelaide, Australien
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 77
That should enable further research! Good luck,
Thank you so much for that. Often names change slightly when people come to Australia, as officials can't spell, hear wrongly, or decided it wasn't quite right for an English speaking country. So to know I have the name correct is a good start. And then to have a county in which to start is so much more than I had before. Thank you so very, very much.
Gordon Byles
2013-07-15, 11:24
Hi Tanya,
Hulda Stenberg was my Great Grandmother. She married Birger Harald Henriks after becoming pregnant to a person unknown after being raped. My granfather, John Rangnar Henriks, was the youngest of the family and married Silvia? Size who gave birth to my mother, Marion, and my uncle, Donald. After her death he married Gloria Ind who was pregnant with Douglas when they met. Gloria then had Pamela, Brenton and Christine.
Hi Gordon,
good to hear from you. I would be interested in exchanging information with you. Since I posted on this site I've found quite a lot of additional information: a letter Hulda wrote to The Chronicle (demonstrating how brilliant she was, and how quickly she had acquired English), newspaper articles about Charm Singh, and information about her parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. If you send an email to my work address ( with my first name and surname as listed below my user name on this message, I can send you the information I have and let you know the questions I have, in case you can (and are willing) to answer some of them.
2013-07-18, 00:32
I guess you have information on her parents shoemaker Mathias Peter Stenberg and Anna Sofia Jonsson?
Mathias Stenberg was born Nov 16th 1852 in Linde, Anna Sofia March 17th 1847 in Krasjögle, Tveta. They married August 3rd 1877. Huldas older brother, Emil, was born Dec 2nd 1877 but died only three days old.
Anna Sofia/Sophias parents were Jonas Jonsson and Stina Andersdotter.
Gordon Byles
2013-08-05, 10:44
There was an "Uncle Gustav" in there somewhere who was an artist. He remembered all our birthdays and sent an airmail letter on which he had painted a flower of one type or another. I remember getting these as a small boy and mum read them to us and then put them away somewhere. I have no idea if they still exist but suspect they may do around at dad's place.
Thanks Gordon. I'll send you a family tree that shows where Uncle Gustav fitted. He was Birger's brother, and maintained correspondence with the Australian family. Yes, we hae some letters with the drawings as well, and he also sent us a Henriks family tree that was shared around the Aussie crowd.
Thanks Tommy. While I had the birthdates of Peter and Sofia, I didn't have the marriage date (just the year), and didn't know about Emil either. I have Karl Lennart 1880, Ester Henrietta Elinora 1886 and Herman Jakob Emanuel 1886 as siblings. and my mother has memories of Uncle Emanuel in Australia, but knew him as Uncle Emil.
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