Thank you for looking! We have no idea where he was from, other than Sweden. All I have to go on is the information that he gave for the 1900 and 1910 US census. He gave his birth date as May 1870, his year of emigration as 1894, and he said both parents were also from Sweden. I found in the 1890 Sweden census 2 or 3 Carl Blombergs that were born in 1871, but none in 1870. I also found, in the passenger list of the Venetia (which sailed from Gothenburg to New York, arriving August 1, 1895) a Carl Blomberg, who was 25 at the time, meaning possibly born in 1870. But he gave 1894 as his emigration year in the 1910 US census, not 1895. I suppose it could still be him. Arriving August 1, 1895 might possibly give him enough time to get across the country to Arizona, and then get married in November 1895. But it seems a stretch.