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Ämne: Charles Fredrick Blomberg (Carl Fredrik?) born May 1870


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  1. #1
    If he is not appearing in the Sweden census of 1880 or 1890, would that imply that he was born somewhere rather remote? Or were certain regions not included in the census?

  2. #2
    Hans-Peters avatar
    Hans-Peter Stülten
    Hi Jim!

    No all regions was includen in the swedish cencus 1880 or 1890.

    But I can think of several reasons why we don´t find him: His original sirname was difficult to say or spell in english so he simply changed it to another name easier to say and spell.

    His original name was, what was most common in Scandinavia at that time, made from his fathers fist name + son, like in Larsson where the fathers first name was Lars and all his sons therfore got the name Larsson as sirnames.

    Or he siply didn´t like his old name ant took the oportunity to get a new one.

    It will be nearly impossible to find him with some certanty without knowing anything about where he was born and if possible his fathers name as young people not was registred with sirnames before they left home after confirmation. If they for some reason stayed at home also as grown ups, no sirname was registred before later.

    So sorry I can´t give you more help in sirching for your great grand father.
    Med vänlig hälsning
    Hans-Peter Stülten

  3. #3
    Thank you for your help. It's unfortunate if I cannot track him down, but I understand the difficulties. I will try to find more information. But also, I wonder if there is any way I can get in touch with people who have researched the Blomberg name?

  4. #4
    Hans-Peters avatar
    Hans-Peter Stülten
    Hi again Jim!

    You could try the swedish FaceBook group "Släktforskning" or the internet mailing list and homesite Scangen, in both places it is OK to write your guestion in english.

    Or have you tried to search in Disbyt? As a member of DIS you can search there, may be another DIS member has your great grandfather in his research. . Use your members number and security code for connecting.

    Hope you will find your great grand father.
    Med vänlig hälsning
    Hans-Peter Stülten

  5. #5

    I have done a lot of research on my great-great-grandfather since my original post. I believe he died in California in 1941. He remarried a few years before his death, and his marriage certificate gives me some information that I didn't have before. His name was actually Charles Ferdinand Blomberg, not Charles Fredrick as I had thought. He listed his father's name as John Blomberg, and his mother's name as Louisa (maiden name unknown). Both parents were born in Sweden, as was he. His death certificate indicates that his birthdate was September 21, 1870 (not May as I previously thought).

    A few other pieces of information that I have from family history: The Blomberg family in Sweden was apparently "pretty well off". Charles entered the US through Ellis Island (I have searched the database to no avail) and settled briefly in Minnesota before moving on to Arizona where he was a teamster, running mule teams to transport ore from mining operations. Also, he had been kicked in the face by a horse as a small boy in Sweden (leaving him with a squashed nose).

    If anyone could help me find the origins of Charles Ferdinand Blomberg, born Sept. 21, 1870 in Sweden, parents John and Louisa Blomberg, I would really appreciate it. This has been a family mystery for a long time and I'd love to be able to tell my great-uncle, his last living grandchild, about where his grandfather came from.

    Jim Carleton

  6. #6

    Michael Olofsson
    Hi Jim

    His name was Carl Josef Ferdinand Blomberg. Born on the island Gotland in a place called Lummelunda.
    His father, policeman, Johan Blomberg born 1830-03-31 in Södra vi and his mother Anna Lovisa Lundström born 1828-08-07 in Alhem.
    She died in 1882-08-08.

    Good luck with your searching!
    Senast redigerat av micholof den 2016-12-17 klockan 08:41.

  7. #7
    Wow, this is great! I am so happy that you were able to find this information for me. Were you able to verify his birthdate? Was this from census information, or other sources? Did he have brothers and sisters? What is the next step for me if I wanted to further research this family? I do have a DIS membership but I wasn't able to find Carl or either of his parents through a database search.

    Thank you so much for your time and help! This is really like finding a treasure for me.

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