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Ämne: Charles Fredrick Blomberg (Carl Fredrik?) born May 1870


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  1. #1
    Thank you!

  2. #2
    If I could get some advice- it's easy enough for me to find birth records in the Arkiv as long as I know the birth year and the town/parish. But what is the best way to find a particular family in the household examination rolls? I tried looking for some families, but it seemed like I'd have to scan through dozens or hundreds of pages to find them. Unless I'm missing something?

  3. #3
    For instance, I was trying to find the parents of Peter Lundström (who you found for me above). On, I found a Peter a Peter Lundström, son of Lars Lundström, born in Ystads Sankt Petri in 1796. I checked the Arkiv and found his birth record easily enough- halfway down on the left of the following page:

    Ystads Sankt Petri C:3 (1772-1810) Image 63 / page 123 (AID: v111931.b63.s123, NAD: SE/LLA/13490)

    But I'm not sure of the best way to trace his family in the household rolls to see if he moved to Ålem and married Anna Cajsa Persdotter, or if that was a different Peter Lundström.

  4. #4
    Phryxes avatar
    C-G Magnusson
    1 039
    I would say Peter Lundström is a rather common name, so be cautious. When I want to trace back a person (with little info) I first follow him forward in time because newer records often are more informative. E.g. in the household record from Ålem (above) there are no birth parish mentioned.

    I also hope you tracked your first mentioned ancestor until he emigrated. The information about the other persons are rather useless if you got that one wrong.

  5. #5
    Thank you. Yes, I had thought about that. It would be pointless to research this family back through time if this was the wrong Charles F. Blomberg. I did find him in the Moving lists as emigrating from Nors, Gotland to America in April 1888. Based on my research on him after his emigration, I am 90% sure that this is the right person. I am waiting to receive some documents that should verify it 100%.

  6. #6

    Judith Elfving
    Hello All,

    Thanks "Tack" for replying to my cousin Jim's questions.

    It may be true that Charles Blomberg's middle name might not be "Fredrick" as my Grandmother, his daughter, thought. He did state that his birth was May 1870 in the 1900 US Census. He also stated in the 1910 US Census that he immigrated in 1894, but that could just be the time he entered Arizona Territory.

    Hi Jim,

    I will check the records in ArkivDigital that you mention. My husband, Sven, helps me translate when needed.

    Happy New Year / Gott Nytt År!

  7. #7
    Phryxes avatar
    C-G Magnusson
    1 039
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av jrcarleton Visa inlägg
    If I could get some advice- it's easy enough for me to find birth records in the Arkiv as long as I know the birth year and the town/parish. But what is the best way to find a particular family in the household examination rolls? I tried looking for some families, but it seemed like I'd have to scan through dozens or hundreds of pages to find them. Unless I'm missing something?
    In the birth record you find (with few exceptions) the place where the family lives. Rarely in newer records the birth records also mention the page. Most of the household examination rolls have an index of places in the beginning or at the end of the book. Sometimes there is also an index of professions that can be of use.

    Sometimes you have to browse through an entire book to find a person or family. That happens quite often when trying to trace a person back or forth in time through household rolls and migrations lists. Mostly this happens when they move from one parish to another.

  8. #8
    Thank you for the advice! I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. I only wish I could read Swedish! Google Translate helps a little.

    Hi Judy, great to hear from you! I've been researching Charles Blomberg quite a bit, and I have lots of documents and information I was hoping to share with you.

    I agree about the discrepancies in his US census records. I believe there is a mark in the 1900 census indicating that it was his mining partner, the head of household, who answered for him. Maybe he just guessed about Charles' birth month. Also, Charles' voting registrations in Arizona imply that maybe he wasn't sure of his birthday himself at the time. He declared that he was 38 on June 29, 1908, but then only 39 on July 23, 1910. And then 41 on August 3, 1912. So I don't put much faith in May as being his birth month.

    Regarding the 1910 census, where he gave 1894 as his year of immigration- I think he meant that as the year he declared for naturalization. He declared his intention on January 2, 1894 in the Territory of Arizona. And Aunt Mary's family history says that he lived first in Minnesota before moving west to Arizona. So I don't think he could have immigrated in 1894, I think it was a good deal earlier. Unfortunately, the 1890 Minnesota census was lost in a fire, so we can't verify it that way.

    I researched his voting registrations, and once he became a citizen in 1903, he registered to vote every two years. 1904, 1906, 1908 in Santa Cruz, 1910 in Graham, 1912, 1914, 1918 in Pima (1916 register lost). Aunt Mary's history indicates that he visited his daughter Cora once in 1918, and met his 2 young grandchildren Mary and Uncle Bud. He gave Cora his address and asked her to write, but by the time she tried to contact him he had already moved on. There are no more records of him in Arizona.

    However, in 1920 a Charles F. Blomberg started registering to vote in California, and stated mining as his profession. I think this has to be him. He registered in 1920 and 1922 in Fresno county, and then from 1928 to 1940 he registered in Oakland. I noticed that in 1940, he was listed alongside a Mabel Blomberg, same household. So I did some more research and found that he had remarried in 1938, and then died in 1941 in Oakland. I have copies of his marriage certificate and his death certificate. When I saw his middle name given as Ferdinand (and his DOB given as September 21), I thought I had the wrong person. But then I realized that there were no actual documents giving his middle name as Fredrick. Just the recollections of his daughter and his ex-wife (who he was only married to very briefly). So I think maybe their memory was mistaken.

    I actually was able to track down a grandson of his second wife Mabel from a previous marriage, who lived in Oakland during Charles and Mabel's marriage. I am hoping he can verify that this was the same Charles Blomberg as ours. Perhaps he would remember his nose being flat (from a kick from a horse in Sweden, as mentioned by Aunt Mary). Or maybe he would have mentioned that he had a daughter in Arizona.

    Another piece of information given on his marriage certificate is that his father's name was John, and his mother's name was Louisa. This actually coincides with another tidbit from Aunt Mary's family history- that Cora's middle name was Louise, named after Charles' mother.

    So if we assume that this is the correct Charles F. Blomberg, then with his correct middle name and birthdate, we can find that he was born in Lummelunda on Sept. 21, 1870. He left for America on April 24, 1888 from Nors, Väskinde. His father was a police officer. He had a brother Johan Gottfrid who was a baker, joined the military, and moved to Stockholm in 1886, where I lose track of him. He had a sister who died in infancy. He had another brother, Gustaf Adolf Wilhelm, who moved to Visby, married and had 4 daughters, and later also emigrated to America with his wife and 2 of his daughters. He settled in New York as William Blumberg/Bloomberg, and died in 1934.

    I have lots of Arkiv documents bookmarked that I can share with you, including an inventory of his father's estate. I'd love some help with translation. I am also trying to research his maternal grandparents, Peter Lundström and Anna Cajsa Persdotter- both of whom died in 1846. Parish records indicate that Peter was born in Högsby in 1796, but I cannot find his birth record or family. Also, Anna Cajsa's birthplace is given as "Kalmar" in 1793, and I'm not sure what parish in Kalmar to look in for her birth record and family. Here are some of my bookmarks:

    Gotlands norra häradsrätt (-1899) F2B:145 (1889-1890) Image 1060 / page 38 Johan Blomberg estate inventory
    Väskinde B:1 (1861-1894) Image 480 / page 44 Carl Josef Blomberg move
    Väskinde CI:5 (1861-1894) Image 1290 / page 124 Johan Blomberg death
    Södra Vi C:5 (1828-1851) Image 26 / page 43 Johannes Birgersson Blomberg birth
    Ålem AI:10 (1823-1828) Image 257 / page 495 Peter Lundstrom family
    Väskinde B:1 (1861-1894) Image 490 / page 45 Carl Josef Ferdinand Blomberg move
    Ålem AI:11 (1829-1835) Image 41 / page 33 Peter Lundstrom family
    Ålem AI:12 (1836-1847) Image 47 / page 37 Peter Lundstrom family
    Ålem AI:13 (1847-1856) Image 52 / page 36 Peter Lundstrom family
    Ålem C:5 (1807-1832) Image 140 / page 135 Anna Lovisa Lundstrom birth
    Lummelunda AI:5 (1861-1873) Image 520 / page 44 Johan Blomberg family
    Väskinde AI:7 (1861-1884) Image 1940 / page 373 Johan Blomberg family
    Martebo B:1 (1861-1894) Image 720 / page 133 Johan Blomberg family move
    Martebo B:1 (1861-1894) Image 720 / page 133 Johan Gottfrid Blomberg move
    Gotlands Nationalbevärings arkiv, Visby jägarkompani DIII:1 (1868-1886) Image 1870 Johan Gottfrid Blomberg military
    Lummelunda CI:3 (1818-1861) Image 740 / page 148 Emilie Mathilda Lovisa Blomberg birth
    Martebo CI:4 (1861-1876) Image 370 / page 34 Gustav Adolph Wilhelm Blomberg birth
    Martebo CI:4 (1861-1876) Image 430 / page 40 Carl Joseph Ferdinand Blomberg birth
    Väskinde B:1 (1861-1894) Image 440 / page 40 Gustaf Adolf Blomberg move
    Gotlands Nationalbevärings arkiv, Visby jägarkompani DIII:1 (1868-1886) Image 4510 Gustaf Adolf Wilhelm military
    Gotlands Nationalbevärings arkiv, Visby jägarkompani DIII:1 (1868-1886) Image 5170 Johan Gottfrid Blomberg military

    There is also a family tree on Ancestry with more information on the family. I believe it was made by a descendant of Charles' uncle Josef Blomgren. I am not sure why one Birgersson brother took the name of Blomberg and another took the name of Blomgren, but there you have it. The link is here:

    Best wishes to all!

    P.S. to Judy- if you want a copy of the Coffey family history ("The Coffey Clan from 1690"), I received it from a Coffey cousin and would be happy to send it to you.

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